News: 1 million people fled Somalia in 2008 alone

Over 1 million people fled Somalia in 2008. 2.6 million Somalis - 35% of the population - now need humanitarian assistance, while one in six children under the age of five is malnourished. (Full)

More on The Road about Somalia, aid work and Somalia and humanitarian issues

Discovered via Humanitarian Relief and AidBlogs


Anonymous,  27 October, 2008 07:14  

thanks for the tip at my site,im considering seriously the suggestion.Though with all sincerity i cannot narrow my blog to a particular cause or topic.Thanks!

Anonymous,  27 October, 2008 09:21  

Thanks for stopping by Peter. What a great blog you have, very interesting and informative. What were you doing in Afghanistan exactly, and when?

Thanks again,

Peter 27 October, 2008 10:47  

Hi Cat.

I was in and out of Afghanistan from 2000-2003 (right before, during and after 9/11 basically). I was based in Islamabad. But often went into Afghanistan on missions (Kabul, Mazar, Jalalabad, Faizabad).

Right after Kabul fell and the Taliban fled, I went in as part of the first plane load of expat staff.

I work for one of the UN humanitarian organisations.

Several of the shortstories in my eBook is about that time. here is one.

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