Picks of the week: 18th century 'Life' pictures and more

Rome, Italy soup kitchen 1944

Here are the interesting links I harvested this week:

  • Google has put millions of photographs from LIFE magazine online. The photo archive stretches from the 1750s to today. Most were never published before.

  • DuckDown features funny pictures and cartoons to enlighten his posts. I have to admit, I don't read the text, but the graphics are great.

  • The "Playing for Change Foundation" is dedicated to connecting the world through music by providing resources to musicians and their communities around the world.

  • Ever thought of volunteering for a cause? You will not find a better resource than Online Volunteering, a site recently revamped by UNV, the UN agency coordinating volunteers. Opportunities vary from missions abroad to part-time work you can do from your sofa at home. Doing research, help writing or reviewing papers, translating documents or website management,.. From a few hours per week to full time for several months...

  • Humanitarian Technology Net is this week's newcomer on the block. They focus on technology applicable in development or humanitarian relief projects.

  • And last but least, if you are interested in innovation and development, the material on TED will keep you enticed for hours. After those hours, you will agree with me: TED - Technology, Entertainment and Design, inspires.

More Picks of the Week on The Road.

Picture courtesy Life (Margaret Bourke-White)


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