To keep you company during sleepless nights...

SleeplessI have updated the list of "Aid Resources" in the right column.

Over 100 links are now listed, giving you an overview of the most relevant sites, if you are interested in aid, humanitarian issues, development, the environment, activism, fundraising, charity and any other "soft issues".

The links vary from blogs, organisation sites, forums to social media sites, enough to either keep you up for several nights, or to keep you company during these cold winter evenings.

As the resource list is too long to display all at once, the "+/-" icon allows you to expand or collapse every section.

I know it is difficult to keep up with it all, but remember to check one of The Road's "metablogs", For Those Who Want To Know, which automatically collects all updates and republishes the summaries for each of the listed sites, every hour.

Have fun!


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