UN wants cartoonist for Somalia

cartoonist wanted

The UN Development Programme is looking for a cartoonist in Somalia. No kidding. The Terms of Reference specify the details..

The background:
Somalia faces significant challenges in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). (...)

To address this issue, and bearing in mind the low literacy levels in Somalia, UNDP Somalia, through the Human Development and Economics Unit, is seeking a consultant to produce cartoon designs for an MDG comic as well as two cartoon characters (male and female).

The objective of this comic would be to educate local Somalis throughout the country (the civil society in rural and urban areas, and nomads); private sector; educational institutions, and local administrations) on what exactly the MDGs are.

It also specifies what exactly they want:
1. Two cartoon characters (one male and one female).
2. Cartoon to be included in a UNDP Somalia comic depicting correct, neutral and culturally sensitive messages on MDGs that illustrates what MDGs are, how each one may be attained, and who is responsible for attaining them.
(It should be..) Humorous where possible.

It is not just for anyone. You must have, amongst others, the following competencies:
- Have more than 7 years’ experience in design, illustrations and desktop publishing.
- Possess at least 5 years’ experience of working in the context of Somalia, with proof of dissemination of products.

So.. what are you all waiting for? Apply!

Maybe the next step is a cartoonist to educate the Somalia pirates that taking oil tankers is a "no-no"?

Cartoon courtesy Cartoonstock.


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