The UN in the news today. Spot the politics.

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On Aid Topics page of NewsFeeds, I keep track of news articles in which the UN are mentioned.

Today's selection gives a good overview of what the world body is tackling.

... From politics to internal problems, human rights, environmental stuff and back to politics. And no matter what issue, there is always a political taste to the problem, it seems. Can you spot some of them?

Picture courtesy National Army Museum Te Mata Toa (NZ)


The Beaver,  22 May, 2009 17:20  

It is impossible to know whether sexual harassment is a bigger problem at the U.N., whose global staff numbers about 60,000, than at other large multinational organizationsYeah right, ask any Fortune 500 companies ( except for Wall street financial types) , one steps out of line, one gets a warning or outright dismissal. I don't know about other countries but this is the M.O in the USA and Canada.

However. looking at the International organizations, some expect to give promotions only to those who agree to "be exploited" one way or the other. It is sad that some of the high-ranking women tend to be oblivious to what is happening or since they've managed to "get their way" ( being polite here) they do not want to rock the boat.

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