The Taliban makes it to the catwalk.

The Turban is Back

In the shortstory "In Pace", I predicted one day the Taliban turbans would become mainstream fashion.

Looking at this picture, found in a NY Times article on fashion, it seems my prediction came true.

How often is this not the case: A certain culture, pops up as a violent opposition to mainstream society and then is gradually absorbed into the same mainstream culture which adapts ever so quickly but changes ever so slightly.

Che would turn in his grave if he knew his image was used as a fashion statement these days. Don't know if the Taliban would be happier neither... ;-)


Pictures courtesy,


Abby Ravera,  15 May, 2009 08:30  

Oh crickey, really I object to wearing that this summer!

Anonymous,  16 May, 2009 02:10  

... just waiting for the beards to come into fashion as well...

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