Rumble: Darfur Now! - The Full Movie

Here is the full 1h37m "Darfur Now!" movie. This .wmv version is 426 Mbyte so - you need a highspeed Internet connection, and a bit of patience as the file downloads.
It requires the ActiveX plugin for your browser and is best viewed with Firefox.

Be patient as the file downloads! It might take up to 10 minutes before you see anything in the videoviewer

Movie courtesy


Anonymous,  15 February, 2009 04:50  

Thank you for showing this program. I have ben searching for some time to find it. We should all hope and some pray that the governments of the western nations never forget the opportunity they had to stop one of the worst genocides of modern times. After Rwanda the United States said "Never again." Well once again we let the world pass us by without the blink of an eye.

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