Picture of the Day: The loo with the most exciting view

toilet on Antarctica

Just before leaving home, I found back a box with pictures, randomly mixed. I scanned some of them.

This one was taken in 1994, during our first expedition to Antarctica. I once wrote a couple of shortstories about the landing, "a day in paradise" and the departure on this remote island.

We set up camp on a glacier, a few hundred feet above the ocean with a 270 degree view of the ice bergs floating by.

Not much more than a wooden crate on its side with tarps tied on poles to protect it, it would probably still win the price of "The Loo with the World's Most Exciting View".

Apart from the fact that the outhouse was pretty exposed, so we never spent one second longer than we had too.. Question of preserving body parts.


alady'slife 15 July, 2010 00:04  

This must have been an extremely beautiful place to visit.
To think that maybe under all that snow lie mysteries we can only imagine.

Anonymous,  15 July, 2010 20:59  

why didn't you stay there?

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