News: Dubai the Biggest. Also in Road Accidents.

Three people were killed and 277 injured in the United Arab Emirates yesterday when a total of 227 cars and 12 buses collided. The police blamed reckless driving and a thick fog to cause what is now said to be the world's largest traffic pile-up. The accident happened during peak rush hour on the main Dubai-Abu Dhabi road. (full)
Recent figures released by the Ministry of Interior show that there were 6,813 accidents on UAE roads in 2007, resulting in 10,526 injuries (about one per hour) and 1,050 deaths (almost three a day). The 2007 casualties went up by 18% compared to 2006. (full)
The UAE is said to have the world's highest fatal accident rate. I lived in Dubai for five years. Two of my friends died in car accidents during that period. Due to reckless driving of someone else. I never had an accident, but dozens of near misses.
More posts on Dubai.
Update: The World Health Organisation says every year 1,2-million people die in road accidents, making it the seventh-biggest killer in the world, ahead of diabetes and malaria. (Full)
Pictures courtesy AP and Reuters
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