News: Storm leaves * * * on the brink of a 'food crisis'

I have a Google News feed I monitor for key words. One of the key words is "food crisis". Most of the news feeds are about hunger in developing countries. I just came across a news article, titled "Storm leaves [name deleted] on the brink of a food crisis.

If I take pieces of the article, but delete the names, one would think it is about a place in Africa or Asia...

The city is on the brink of a "food crisis" as a result of Sunday's windstorm, said [deleted].

"We have a stressed hunger-relief network because demand is up 20 percent over last year. We are facing a hunger crisis in our community."

At the Catholic Social Services food pantry, [deleted], marketing and development director [deleted] said the individuals being hit hardest by the food crunch are children.

"Most folks we see have children," [deleted] said. "If you look at the number of people in the household, well over 65 percent of the food goes to children in this community.

Outside the pantry, [deleted] residents Dorothy, 19, and Kenny, 20, said they are staying with friends after losing power to their home on Sunday. They estimate they've lost $200 worth of food, and the couple came to the food pantry to replenish groceries.

"It's hard to eat. We have no food.", she said.

Now I ask you: Where would this article be about? Haiti, Cuba, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Madagascar?

No, the article was about Dayton Ohio, USA. The full article, you find here. Puts things into perspective. Hunger and poverty is universal. And that is a sad thing.

Picture courtesy Peter Wine (Dayton Daily News)


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