Your feedback results

I started this website in Jan'07. We are now three months and 50,000 visitors further down the line. I started as a complete blogging and internet newbie but your feedback has helped me through. Thank you!

The previous poll-period ran from the time I set up this site. Based on your input, I altered many things on this site. So, today, I reset all figures of the poll to '0', to get fresh and updated input from you, the readers.

The previous feedback figures were:
Overall rating of the site: (26 answers:)
Excellent (54%), Good (19%), Poor (12%), Dunno-Just arrived (15%)

What people liked most on this site: (24 answers)
contents of the stories (50%), Style of writing (46%), other (4%)

What still needed improvement: (21 answers)
Fine as it is (67%), More pictures (19%), grammar/spelling (10%), length of stories (5%)

A reader gave detailed feedback to speed up the download times. (thanks, Tom!!).

Based on this feedback:
  • I added 'Rumble' posting, rather than merely publishing stories. The rumbles are often small stories by themselves, but people now also have short stuff to read.
  • I added more pictures to new posts and am going through the older stories to insert some more.
  • Several people gave feedback about grammar. I hope all is better now.
  • I compressed the pictures more (now 20-50 kbyte average)
  • Reduced the directory icons at the bottom of the page which contain links to external images, slowing down the download speed.
  • Limited the number of posts on the home page, and cut the home page entry of some articles shorter (with a link at the end if people want to read the full article).
If people still have problems with download speeds, or with the layout of the site (due to browser differences e.g.), let me know.
So, even if you have filled in the feedback form already, please take a few seconds to do so again, so I can get fresh input. The feedback polls, you find here.

In the case you are curious about the changes I make on this site, you find the change log here.

Thanks again all for your feedback. It makes it all worth while!



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