Human Rights for Dummies

If you don't understand what human rights are all about, after this video, then mmm...


A Lady's Life 02 September, 2010 17:51  

So true. This is a good video and should be shown to all the people so they do not join rebel groups and shoot people for nothing.
Good needs to conquer evil.
Like for example in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have so many UN soldiers. They should not be there unless the country in question guarantees human rights to all people even the rebels.
The same with Sri Lanka. We have boat loads of people here in Canada. Why? They should be at home. Aid workers go there to help and before going they should demand human rights be deployed to all people when the war is finished.
Otherwise evrything you do is for nothing. You save and feed and others come in and kill.
Its really depressing.

Peter 02 September, 2010 20:11  

A correction, though... There are no UN peacekeeping troops in Afghanistan nor Iraq, but NATO forces..


Anonymous,  05 September, 2010 17:18  

Peter, some of those "NATO forces" how you call ghem, they get some job done more than UN peacekeepers .. as well some of them had left and never returned. Most of them have protected you guys during yr. missions. With not a lot of CNN around. Anyone has been earning good money from havocs and occupations. Also WFP. All over the last 5 decades. Enjoy yr. sabbatical and keep busy posting your own views, not always correct.

Peter 05 September, 2010 19:37  


If you have been following this blog for a while, you will know how critical I have always been of UN peacekeepers.

Dito regarding "earning good money from havocs and occupations", which in my opinion, is a correct view in many cases... "emergencies are always good money", sad and cynical as it might be, and an unpopular thought in the humanitarian circles. But true. Up to to the point that indeed the link between "Western forces" and many relief agencies have come too close and too cosy.


Anonymous,  05 September, 2010 20:22  

well, don't know how many western forces are now in Pakistan. It appears from recent agencies that some of the food just distributed for the "flood relief" is already available in the market to the best buyer. Quite strange isn't it? Meanwhile it's quite entertaining that video performed from the WFP director, in which you can see a middle age woman so happy to eat a just baked HEB..and crowds of kids after, playing the part of the well fed children. And they all lived happily everafter. C'mon guys, People of all over the world is fed up with all this song and dance of being HUMANITARIAN.. Ins and outs there's nothing of HUMAN. Just purely business mainly made to ensure a good retirement to the ones who are "the priviledged" (many must say...) a wealthy life to their families (whether they live by the headquarters or not) quite a wide range of benefits and extra income in their wages and so on... You see, as far the WFP compounds and other very well known organizations, are quite protected, still there is a possibility to know of the luxury that there is inside. (excluding may be some at risk "resorts" where local people are working and accessible to any sort of attack...but who cares, those are low quality manpower at the occasion, a flower and a few condolonces will do)... But for anyone's convenience these things appear in yr websites, or at least, just how many people you reach and lots of blablabla.. A real inspirational machine to create the best scam ever. Shame! And shame again!

Peter 06 September, 2010 05:42  

Relativating is a strength, not a weakness.

Strange how the world looks different, dependent on the colour of the glasses you look through.

Anonymous,  06 September, 2010 20:52  

We don't wear glasses... we read a lot, and sadly sometimes it comes we assist personally to the many and not all listed instances formerly mentioned.. or we are asked to participate and support to the movements of that "so called" holy HUMANitarian machine. About the glasses... Many of us would be better off to be blind,deaf and dumb.. or playing the fool! All convenient conditions to preserve the strenght for keep on going. Anyone has its own tribulations. ;-))

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