News:Tegucigalpa air crash

Remember a previous post The World's 10 most dangerous landing strips"? Remember how to those landing strips I added to the list, as I had experienced them as "more than scary"?

Tegucigalpa in Honduras was definitive "my top favourite": coming in between mountains, a final approach skimming just a few meters above a small hill, just before diving onto a runway which seems almost tucked away in a valley. Each time, it amazed me we could actually pull the brakes in time, without tumbling off the end of the runway... It surely seemed to take all of the pilot's skills. Have a look again at the video on this post, and you will understand...

Today Tegucigalpa airport seemed to have proven its sad reputation as "one of the world's most dangerous landing strips" as a TACA flight overshot the runway.(Full)

taca crash Tegucigalpa

Picture courtesy AFP/BBC


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