Rumble: What is new on this site?

Yep that is me!Loyal readers like yourself (ahum) will have noticed it immediately (ahum): I had time on my hands. And fiddled around with loads of things on "The Road to the Horizon", preparing to celebrate "The Road - One Year After". :-)

Here are the latest new features on The Road:

  • To ease social bookmarking, I added a new icon under each post. It makes it easier for the reader to link to that post using IE Favorites, Digg, Facebook,, My Yahoo, Newsvine, Technorati, etc... There is also a new "ADD THIS" icon in the 'Subscription, Feeds and Tools' tab in the right column. That one is linking to the home page of "The Road".
  • I updated the links to other interesting blogs in the right column, and split them up in different groups. I did my best to be selective and to only include blogs with good stories and pictures, giving a feel for the place or the work the person does. Have a read! If you come across any other interesting blogs about aid work, travelling, adventure, remote places, drop me an email at peter(dot)casier(at)pandora(dot)be, or just make a comment below a post...
  • As I continue to get a lot of questions via email about aid work, and "How do I become an aidworker?", I included a new tab in the right column with interesting links to related to aid work, and life as an aidworker.
  • I added more details on traffic to this site (where visitors come from, what pages they read etc..), and statistics on sites linking to "The Road". I put them on the bottom of the side column, so they do not disturb the main flow.
  • I re-arranged the Ebook short stories in a more chronological order. If you hover over each short story, it now shows the country the story is about.
  • As the tag list for the posts was getting quite long, I put it in a scrollable frame. Saves space.
  • I updated and added more Blogger's tips and tricks.
  • I revisited several short stories, edited them and changed some pictures.. All new and updated short stories are marked as such.
  • I re-edited all news stories. From now on, news postings only have the prefix "News" in the title, and carry the tag "News Item". No more News Roundups.
  • As I can not keep up with the interesting news stories people send to me, I post more in my Newsvine space. The articles which are relevant to aid work, you can find back in the "International Aid Workers Group" on Newsvine.
  • I updated the my book library and added the latest books I am reading. You can find it under the tab "Need Inspiration: My Books". The widget shows only a random grab of 10 books from my library, reselected each time you refresh the page.

As you can see, I continuously try to make "The Road" better, more interesting, easier to read and faster to access. I have some questions for you, dear reader (leave a comment below this post):

  • Is the download speed of the page acceptable? (I am trying to find a good automatic picture compressing tool, but I mostly worried about the time the widgets in the right column take to run when loading a page...)
  • Do you ever look at anything in the right column?
  • Any features you like/dislike/would like see add?

Thanks! Peter.


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