"Honey, look what I bought you for Xmas!" or "There are digital pictures... and then there are digital pictures..."

I love to take pictures. It feels as if I can experience the things around me much more intensively when I take pictures of it. It is only then I discover details I would have overlooked otherwise. Even when I review a picture, months or years later, I can revive the feeling I had when I took it. And I love a good picture.
Since my 15 year old analog (that's right: using film!) Minolta reflex camera died ("Sorry sir, we don't repair cameras older than five years"), I have not had a decent camera. Most of the pictures on my blog are shot using a nine year old Fujipix digital camera, Tine's small Sony Cypershot, Lana's newer compact Nikon Coolpix P80 or my cellphone (recently upgraded to an iPhone).
But I lacked something of my own, where I could take real high quality pictures. With the help of my friends Diego and Scott, I finally made up my mind and bought a Nikon D90 (above) with a 22-200mm lens. I can tell you: after all these years, I had simply forgotten what a decent camera feels like, and what a serious quality picture looks like.
Like a small kid sitting by the Christmas tree, I opened up the boxes, put the lens on the camera, switched it on, zoomed at something randomly, pointed, focused and shot... My first picture with my new camera was a bottle on a table in an ill-lit room. I just pointed and shot with the built-in flash.
The picture looked like this (I converted the picture to low resolution for this blog):

It was not until I looked at the picture in the actual resolution that I saw the real detail, and the real quality. Look at the play of the light and colours on the bottle neck:

Look at the condense droplets inside the bottle (this is the actual resolution):

Here is the original picture (3 Mb, though!)...
So, in short.. expect more pictures on this blog ;-)
Picture camera courtesy Gear Patrol
Nice! I have a Nikon D40. I will say though, that the new digitals are not made as well as the old SLRs. I'm not sure if it's just bad manufacturing, greed, or the fact that we live in a disposable society.
Regardless, you will probably have great fun snapping shots. Hope to see more.
I am crossing my fingers this one will last.. As it surely costs an arm and a leg!! ;-)
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