Me? I did not do a thing !

Mr H - our French bulldog pup in Tuscany

We keep on moving on The Road. Last week, we had a long weekend here in Rome, and I took the opportunity of doing some major clean-up and re-organisation of my blog network.

- I checked all links I have in the aid resources, aid worker blogs and aid news widgets in the side column to see if they were still valid.
- As the list has expanded to over 400 links, it became impossible to manage manually, so I extracted all nonprofit blogs (excluding those from aidworkers) and put them in a dedicated delicious folder.
- While I was at it, I made an aggregator of these nonprofit blogs. Check out NonProfit Blogs, and linked a Twitter account to it: @NonProfitBlogs

- As I scanned over 200 of these blogs within 24 hours, I got a good view as to what's up in the nonprofit blogging world. And I wrote a post about my findings on BlogTips.
- I also turfed all these blogs for their pageranks, and... (yes, you guessed it!)... wrote a post about it. :-)
- One of the tools I use extensively to aggregate RSS feed, NewsGator is de-activating all free online tools. So last weekend, I have been slaving, sweating, cursing, etc.. to redo the whole mechanism behind my blog network so that all feeds to AidNews, AidBlogs, Change Thru Info can survive. We're not done yet, there are still several glitches, but we're almost there.
- Oh, I also added several new links to the aid blogs... Time also to welcome Tales from the hood (Thailand) and Jon from Aid Worker Daily onto the list of AidBlogs... Jon recently joined our team at work, so that qualifies him again as an aidworker...! ;-)
- I also finalized the series about "selecting a blog platform", which I started to publish this week.
- Oh, one more thing: the poll I ran last week showed 70% of you liked the new layout of The Road.. Thanks!
- Oh, oh... one very last thing: Our blog's social project, allocating micro finance loans all over the world, passed the $13,000 mark, like it was nothing.. Do check our most recent loans, to get a feel what this project is all about. We have now 23 team members in our group, and allocated 282 loans, since past November... Pretty cool, no?

Alright, back to work now!


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