Rumble: We're back!

The family on Anse d'Argent on La Digue (Seychelles)

We're back home in Belgium after one week in Italy, four weeks in the Seychelles, and a couple of days of Italy again.

After the initial shock of landing on a typical Belgian summer's evening (it was 12°C at 7 pm, yak!) after five weeks of living in 25-35°C and finding out they disconnected my mobile phone (Proximus/Belgacom mobile, ha!), disconnected my Email account (Telenet, ha!), and that the car had a flat battery, we are unpacking our bags.

Anse aux Courbes on Mahe (Seychelles)

As we are sorting through the dirty laundry, the shells we collected, the small sea-turtle fridge magnets, the snorkeling fins and masks, our sailing gear, the wooden model ship and painted fish we bought, the memories come back.

Sunday evening I am off again to Rome, and Monday work starts again. Transiting between family, holidays, exotic locations into aid work, I am resisting to start thinking of the crisis in Georgia, famine in Ethiopia and staff evacuations in Darfur. I want the holiday feeling to stay for a some more days, so before going back to battling hunger out of the world, in the next days I will entertain you with some more holiday stories.

Local kids playing on granite rocks in Anse aux Courbes on Mahe (Seychelles)

Bottom line: The Seychelles is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to. Nature and the scenery is postcard perfect (even under the heavy cloud cover we had almost all the time), people are enjoyable and friendly (even though they broke into the boat and stole all of our cash), and the weather is warm and comfy (even though we had plenty of strong wind and rain during our sailing weeks). Oh, and it is expensive. But worth it.

Anse Takamaka in Mahe (Seychelles)

More posts on the Road about the Seychelles.


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