Our microfinance project now passed the $40,000 mark

microfinance loans in Kyrgyzstan

Remember we started "Change Starts Here", our microfinancing project, here on the Road?

Well, in two years, our Kiva lending team grew to 82 people, who issued over 1,000 loans, for a total value of $42,000... Not bad, hey?

The latest loan was issued to Sobirahon Ahmadalieva (on the left on the picture) in Aravan, Kyrgyzstan. Sobirahon breeds cattle for resale after fattening. In this way she earns about $85 per month. With her microfinance loan of $1,066 she wants to purchase two bull calves for breeding.

We funded 10% of her loan request, which she will pay back over the course of the next 18 months.

The scorecard overview of our project, you can find on Have Impact.


A Lady's Life 06 January, 2011 23:09  

This is very good business to help people help themselves.
Wish they would do this here in North America.
Here they give you 5 cents and take away a dollar.
Talk about never breaking even. lol

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